24Hr Sponsored Silence for Selective Mutism
Today I am sharing a blog written By Lisa Smith (3 rd year Speech and Language Therapy student and HARs Scholar). […]
Today I am sharing a blog written By Lisa Smith (3 rd year Speech and Language Therapy student and HARs Scholar). […]
On the 26th of October from 9am to 2pm at 59 Polton Vale, Loanhead, you are invited to a Selective
October is the SELECTIVE MUTISM AWARENESS MONTH, and this is the real story of a bilingual child and his steps
Welcome to the second part of this fascinating real story. You will find the first part on my page or by
As a specialist in Selective Mutism, I meet so many people during training events, parent support evening etc. Today I
Limited consonant sound use results in unintelligible speech and often indicates a motor speech disorder (apraxia) or phonological disorder. Check
Children with Selective Mutism find it hard to answer questions and at Christmas time everyone is prone to ask more
How can you help your child use more than one word? Anna Biavati-Smith Specialist Speech and language Therapist © Copyright